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What features should I look for with an Aqueous Parts Washer?

When looking for an aqueous parts washer, there are several features to consider. Here are some of the most important ones:

Capacity: The size of the washer will depend on the size and number of parts you need to clean. Consider the dimensions of the parts you want to clean to ensure they will fit in the washer.

Cleaning solution: Look for a parts washer that uses a cleaning solution that is effective for your specific parts and contaminants. You may need a specific type of cleaning solution if you are dealing with oily or greasy parts.

Pump and filtration system: A good parts washer should have a pump and filtration system that can effectively circulate and clean the cleaning solution.

Heating system: An aqueous parts washer typically has a heating system to heat up the cleaning solution, which can help to speed up the cleaning process and improve cleaning effectiveness.

Durability and construction: Look for a washer that is durable and made of quality materials to ensure that it will last a long time and not break down easily.

Safety features: It is important to look for a parts washer that has safety features, such as automatic shut-off switches and warning alarms, to prevent accidents and injuries.

Ease of use: A good parts washer should be easy to use and maintain. Look for a model that has clear instructions and is easy to clean and maintain.

Price: Aqueous parts washers can range in price from a few hundred dollars to several thousand dollars. Consider your budget and the features you need when selecting a model.

Solvent Recycling Systems, LLC