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Aqueous Parts Washers are a popular choice for cleaning parts in a variety of industries. They are efficient, environmentally friendly, and offer a safer alternative to traditional solvent-based cleaners. However, to get the most out of your Aqueous Parts Washer, it is important to follow best practices. This guide will provide you with practical tips and advice on how to get the best results from your Aqueous Parts Washer and support more sustainable cleaning practices.

Choosing the Right Aqueous Parts Washer

Before you start using your Aqueous Parts Washer, it is essential to choose the right one for your needs. This section will provide you with guidance on the factors you should consider when selecting an Aqueous Parts Washer, including size, capacity, and features.

When it comes to cleaning parts, Aqueous Parts Washers have become increasingly popular due to their efficiency, safety, and environmental friendliness. However, choosing the right Aqueous Parts Washer can be challenging with so many options available. In this section, we will discuss the key factors to consider when selecting an Aqueous Parts Washer to ensure you choose the right one for your needs.

Size and Capacity

The size and capacity of the Aqueous Parts Washer are essential considerations. The size of the Aqueous Parts Washer will determine the size of the parts it can accommodate. If you have large or bulky parts, you will need to select a larger Aqueous Parts Washer. Capacity is also important, as it will determine the number of parts you can clean in a single cycle. Consider the volume of parts you need to clean and choose a Aqueous Parts Washer that can handle the volume.

Aqueous Parts Washers Features

Different Aqueous Parts Washers come with different features that can impact their performance and usability. For example, some Aqueous Parts Washers come with programmable cycles that allow you to adjust the temperature, pressure, and duration of the cleaning cycle. Others have multiple wash stages or a built-in dryer. Consider which features are important for your application, and select a Aqueous Parts Washer that meets your needs.

Cleaning Detergent

The type of cleaning detergent used in an Aqueous Parts Washer can impact its cleaning performance. Some Aqueous Parts Washers come with a specific detergent, while others require you to purchase a separate detergent. Make sure to choose a detergent that is appropriate for the materials and contaminants you are cleaning. It is also essential to choose a detergent that is compatible with your Aqueous Parts Washer and its filtration system.

Filtration System

The filtration system is an important consideration when choosing an Aqueous Parts Washer. The filtration system helps to remove contaminants from the cleaning solution, ensuring that the parts are cleaned effectively. Look for an Aqueous Parts Washer with a high-quality filtration system that is easy to clean and maintain.

Cost of Aqueous Parts Washers

Finally, cost is an essential consideration when selecting an Aqueous Parts Washer. Aqueous Parts Washers can vary widely in price, with some models costing thousands of dollars. Consider your budget and the ROI (Return on Investment) before making a decision. A higher-priced Aqueous Parts Washer may have better features or a more advanced filtration system, but it may not always be necessary for your needs.

Choosing the right Aqueous Parts Washer requires careful consideration of several factors, including size and capacity, features, cleaning detergent, filtration system, and cost. Take the time to evaluate your needs carefully and select an Aqueous Parts Washer that will provide efficient, effective, and environmentally friendly cleaning while delivering value for your investment.

Preparing Parts for Cleaning in an Aqueous Parts Washer

To achieve the best results from your Aqueous Parts Washer, it is essential to prepare parts properly before cleaning. This section will provide guidance on how to prepare parts for cleaning, including how to remove contaminants and debris from parts.

Preparing parts for cleaning is an essential step in the process of using an Aqueous Parts Washer. Proper preparation ensures that the cleaning process is effective, and the parts are cleaned thoroughly. In this section, we will discuss the key steps to follow when preparing parts for cleaning using an Aqueous Parts Washer.


The first step in preparing parts for cleaning is inspection. Examine the parts carefully for any visible debris, dirt, or contaminants that need to be removed before cleaning. This step will help to ensure that the cleaning process is effective and that the parts are cleaned thoroughly.


If the parts are complex or have multiple components, disassembly may be necessary before cleaning. This step will allow you to clean all components thoroughly and ensure that no areas are missed during the cleaning process.

Removal of Large Debris

Before cleaning, it is essential to remove any large debris, such as chips or burrs, that may be present on the parts. This step can be achieved by using compressed air, vacuum, or brushes. Removing large debris will prevent damage to the Aqueous Parts Washer and ensure that the cleaning process is effective.


Soaking the parts before cleaning can help to remove any stubborn or ingrained dirt or contaminants. This step involves placing the parts in a suitable soaking solution and allowing them to soak for a specified period. The soaking solution can be a degreaser or other cleaning solution that is compatible with the parts and the Aqueous Parts Washer.


Pre-cleaning the parts can help to remove any remaining contaminants that were not removed during the soaking process. Pre-cleaning can be achieved using a variety of methods, such as wiping, brushing, or blasting with air or water. The pre-cleaning method chosen will depend on the type and complexity of the parts.

Drain and Dry

Before placing the parts in the Aqueous Parts Washer, ensure that they are completely dry to prevent water contamination in the Aqueous Parts Washer. The parts should be drained and dried using compressed air or a drying oven. Moisture can also cause rust or other damage to the parts.

Preparing parts for cleaning using an Aqueous Parts Washer is a crucial step in the cleaning process. Proper preparation ensures that the cleaning process is effective and that the parts are cleaned thoroughly. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can prepare parts properly and ensure that the cleaning process is efficient, effective, and environmentally friendly.

Operating the Aqueous Parts Washer

Operating your Aqueous Parts Washer correctly is essential to get the best results and to ensure its longevity. This section will provide practical advice on how to operate your Aqueous Parts Washer, including guidance on the temperature, detergent concentration, and cycle times.

Operating an Aqueous Parts Washer is a crucial step in the cleaning process. Proper operation ensures that the cleaning process is effective, efficient, and safe.

Fill the Aqueous Parts Washer

The first step in operating an Aqueous Parts Washer is to fill the washer with the appropriate cleaning solution. The cleaning solution should be compatible with the materials being cleaned and should be mixed according to the manufacturer’s instructions. The amount of cleaning solution required will depend on the size of the Aqueous Parts Washer and the volume of parts being cleaned.

Preheat the Aqueous Parts Washer

Before placing the parts in the Aqueous Parts Washer, it is essential to preheat the cleaning solution. Preheating the solution can help to increase the cleaning effectiveness and shorten the cleaning cycle. The temperature required will depend on the type of cleaning solution being used and the materials being cleaned.

Load the Parts

Once the cleaning solution has been preheated, it is time to load the parts into the Aqueous Parts Washer. Ensure that the parts are arranged in a way that allows for maximum exposure to the cleaning solution. Avoid overcrowding the Aqueous Parts Washer as this can result in ineffective cleaning.

Start the Cleaning Cycle

Once the parts are loaded into the Aqueous Parts Washer, it is time to start the cleaning cycle. The cleaning cycle will vary depending on the type of Aqueous Parts Washer being used, but typically it will involve circulating the cleaning solution around the parts for a set period. During the cleaning cycle, it is important to monitor the Aqueous Parts Washer to ensure that it is operating correctly and that the parts are being cleaned effectively.

Rinse the Parts

After the cleaning cycle is complete, it is essential to rinse the parts thoroughly to remove any remaining cleaning solution. Rinsing can be achieved using clean water or a rinse solution, depending on the type of Aqueous Parts Washer being used.

Dry the Parts

Finally, the parts must be dried thoroughly to prevent water contamination and to ensure that the parts are ready for use or further processing. Drying can be achieved using compressed air, a drying oven, or other drying methods depending on the type of parts being cleaned and the materials being used.

Operating an Aqueous Parts Washer requires careful attention to detail to ensure that the cleaning process is effective, efficient, and safe. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can operate an Aqueous Parts Washer correctly and ensure that the parts are cleaned thoroughly and ready for use or further processing.

Maintaining Your Aqueous Parts Washer

Maintaining your Aqueous Parts Washer is essential to keep it in good working order and ensure its longevity. This section will provide practical advice on how to maintain your Aqueous Parts Washer, including guidance on changing the detergent and maintaining the filtration system.

Maintaining your aqueous parts washer is crucial to ensure that it operates effectively, efficiently, and safely. Regular maintenance can also extend the life of the parts washer and reduce the need for costly repairs or replacement. In this section, we will discuss the key steps to follow when maintaining your aqueous parts washer.

Regular Cleaning

Regular cleaning of the parts washer is essential to prevent the build-up of dirt, debris, and other contaminants that can affect its operation. Cleaning the parts washer should involve draining the cleaning solution, removing any debris, and wiping down the interior surfaces of the parts washer.

Checking Filters

Most aqueous parts washers have filters that need to be checked regularly and replaced as needed. Filters can become clogged with dirt and debris, reducing the efficiency of the parts washer. Checking the filters regularly and replacing them as needed can help to maintain the performance of the parts washer.

Monitoring Fluid Levels

Maintaining the correct fluid levels is essential to ensure that the parts washer operates effectively. The fluid levels should be checked regularly, and the cleaning solution should be topped up or replaced as needed. It is also essential to monitor the pH level of the cleaning solution and adjust it if necessary.

Inspecting Parts

Regularly inspecting the parts washer and its components can help to identify any potential problems early on. This can include checking for leaks, wear and tear on seals, hoses, and pumps, and ensuring that all components are working correctly.


Lubricating moving parts, such as bearings and motors, can help to prevent wear and tear and reduce the need for costly repairs. Lubrication should be carried out according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

Scheduled Maintenance

Following a regular maintenance schedule can help to ensure that the parts washer is maintained effectively and efficiently. This can involve scheduling regular maintenance checks, such as changing filters and checking fluid levels, and carrying out any necessary repairs or replacements.

Maintaining your aqueous parts washer is essential to ensure that it operates effectively, efficiently, and safely. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can maintain your parts washer effectively, extend its life, and reduce the need for costly repairs or replacement.

Safety Considerations

Aqueous Parts Washers are generally safer than traditional solvent-based cleaners, but it is still important to take safety precautions. This section will provide practical advice on how to use your Aqueous Parts Washer safely, including guidance on personal protective equipment and safe disposal of cleaning solutions.

Using an aqueous parts washer is an efficient way to clean parts, but it is important to follow safety guidelines to avoid accidents and injuries. In this section, we will discuss the key safety considerations to keep in mind when using an aqueous parts washer.

Proper Training

Before using an aqueous parts washer, it is essential to receive proper training on how to operate it safely. This training should cover the use of personal protective equipment, such as gloves and eye protection, as well as how to load and unload parts, and how to maintain the parts washer.

Personal Protective Equipment

Personal protective equipment (PPE) is essential when working with an aqueous parts washer. PPE should include gloves, eye protection, and protective clothing, such as an apron or lab coat, to protect against chemical splashes and spills. Make sure that the PPE fits correctly and is in good condition before using the parts washer.

Chemical Exposure

The cleaning solution used in an aqueous parts washer can be hazardous if not handled correctly. Avoid direct contact with the cleaning solution, and make sure that the parts washer is used in a well-ventilated area to prevent inhalation of fumes. If you experience any adverse reactions to the cleaning solution, such as skin irritation or respiratory problems, seek medical attention immediately.

Fire Hazards

Aqueous parts washers use flammable cleaning solutions, so it is important to take steps to prevent fires. Avoid smoking or using open flames near the parts washer, and make sure that the parts washer is grounded to prevent static electricity buildup.

Electrical Safety

Aqueous parts washers are powered by electricity, so it is important to follow electrical safety guidelines when using them. Make sure that the parts washer is properly grounded, and avoid using extension cords or power strips, which can increase the risk of electrical shock or fire.

Emergency Procedures

It is important to have emergency procedures in place in case of an accident or injury. Make sure that all employees know how to respond in case of an emergency, such as a chemical spill or fire, and that emergency contact numbers are readily available.

Using an aqueous parts washer can be an efficient way to clean parts, but it is important to follow safety guidelines to avoid accidents and injuries. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can ensure that you are using the parts washer safely and effectively.


Aqueous Parts Washers are a more sustainable alternative to traditional solvent-based cleaners, but there is always room for improvement. This section will provide guidance on how to maximize the sustainability of your Aqueous Parts Washer, including guidance on choosing environmentally friendly detergents and minimizing waste.

When it comes to cleaning parts, aqueous parts washers are an eco-friendly alternative to solvent-based cleaners. Aqueous parts washers use water-based cleaning solutions that are non-toxic and biodegradable, making them a sustainable choice for businesses looking to reduce their environmental impact. In this section, we will discuss the sustainability and environmental benefits of using an aqueous parts washer.

Reduced Hazardous Waste

Solvent-based cleaners contain hazardous chemicals that can be harmful to the environment and human health. Aqueous parts washers, on the other hand, use water-based cleaning solutions that are free from toxic chemicals. As a result, the use of aqueous parts washers can significantly reduce the amount of hazardous waste generated by a business.

Energy Efficiency

Aqueous parts washers use less energy than solvent-based cleaners, making them an energy-efficient choice for businesses. Many aqueous parts washers use a recirculating system that filters and reuses the cleaning solution, reducing the need for fresh water and energy to heat the solution.

Water Conservation

Aqueous parts washers use water-based cleaning solutions, which means that they use less water than solvent-based cleaners. Additionally, many aqueous parts washers use a closed-loop system that recirculates the cleaning solution, reducing the need for fresh water.

Reduced Carbon Footprint

The use of aqueous parts washers can help businesses reduce their carbon footprint. Aqueous parts washers use less energy and water than solvent-based cleaners, which reduces the greenhouse gas emissions associated with energy consumption and water use.

Compliance with Environmental Regulations

Many countries have environmental regulations in place that restrict the use of hazardous chemicals and promote the use of eco-friendly cleaning solutions. Using an aqueous parts washer can help businesses comply with these regulations, avoiding fines and penalties for non-compliance.

Using an aqueous parts washer can offer significant sustainability and environmental benefits. By reducing hazardous waste, conserving water, and reducing energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions, aqueous parts washers are a sustainable choice for businesses looking to reduce their environmental impact. Furthermore, the use of aqueous parts washers can help businesses comply with environmental regulations and promote a cleaner, safer environment for all.


Using an Aqueous Parts Washer is an excellent way to achieve efficient, effective, and environmentally friendly cleaning. By following best practices and taking a sustainable approach, you can maximize the benefits of your Aqueous Parts Washer and support more sustainable cleaning practices.

Contact Doug Polomsky at Solvent Recycling Systems for more information or to answer any questions. 

Phone: 847.833.7010




Solvent Recycling Systems, LLC