(847) 833-7010

Determining the Success of Solvent Recycling Systems

The solvent recycling market is large and somewhat fragmented, in terms of how many options you have to address your solvent recycling needs.

But to determine the success of an eco-friendly solvent recycling system, it requires real evidence of what a solvent recovery system can produce. This also means understanding what types of solvent recovery equipment are needed in order to be effective.

As provided in the example below from Solvent Recycling Systems, in a sample kit, the recycling of the DS Containers waste solvent went well and as expected. How can you tell? The dark blue/purple waste solvent was recovered into a clear and colorless liquid. In both cases, the recovered distillate and the still-bottoms are ready for shipment back to DS Containers.

Eco-Friendly Solvent Recycling Systems Benefits For Solvent Waste Disposal
  • Operations personnel enjoy clean solvent all the time and more efficient cleaning operations.
  • Purchasing managers see drastic cost reductions
  • Environmental, Health and Safety managers eliminate waste streams and EPA paperwork (chemical recycling, chemical disposal, solvent distilling)
  • Sustainable solution for reducing hazardous waste disposal and resource consumption.

Learn more about our On-site Solvent Recycling Systems and our Off-site Solvent Recycling Systems.



Solvent Recycling Systems, LLC