(847) 833-7010

Solvent Recycling Systems

The solvent recycling market is diverse in what it offers, including how solvent waste disposal is managed, how chemical disposal is handled and how solvent distillation services are managed.

But across the solvent recycling service market, each company needing these services has common goals as to why they are enlisting a recycling system to manage their own solvent disposal.

What differentes a service is how recycled solvent is handled, and how it’s handled in a cost-effective and efficient manner.

Here’s five ways Solvent Recycling Systems solves your problems in an eco-friendly way:

  1. Solvent as Service: Solvent Recycling Systems installs a recycling system at a facility (1 gallon units through 60 gallon units)
  2. Recycled Solvent: Used solvent aggregated at the facility is be processed either continuously or in batch.
  3. Solvent Recovery: Typical solvent loss is 15-30%, depending on evaporation or carry-out, but the rest stays in your facility.
  4. Low cost Solvent Recycling: Program structures include purchase, lease, or cost-per-use options.
  5. Chemical Recycling: Solvent Recycling Systems can supplement solvent loss with virgin solvent to create a complete chemical management program.
Benefits of Solvent Recycling Systems
  • Comprehensive Solvent Recycling: SRS’ solvent recovery equipment is adaptable, durable and can handle basic to complex manufacturing wastes. Easy to use and cost-efficient.
  • Solvent Recovery Equipment: SRS’ Its solvent recovery equipment can recycle virtually any solvent used in a wide variety of applications.
  • Low Cost Solvent Recycling: Cost savings are immediate and substantial, resulting from reductions in: Purchases of new solvents due to re-use of solvent previously disposed of as waste solvent Waste solvents and the associated handling costs for disposing of waste Storage costs for both fresh solvent and waste solvent.
  • Solvent Waste Disposal: The reduction in waste generation can make a critical difference in an operation’s compliance status, often keeping levels low enough to reduce or prevent the need for additional paperwork, record keeping and reporting.
Solvent Recycling System Success Story

Very successful solvent recycling testing was recently completed for a printer in western Chicagoland. Believing they were spending much more than they needed to on solvent to clean their printing plates, this client came to us hoping for a solution. Due to the types of printing they perform, their blanket wash (solvent) becomes saturated very quickly. They were not sure we could help, so we performed feasibility testing.

From 2.87 gallons of dark blue/purple solvent, 2.82 gallons of clear and colorless solvent was recovered. The still-bottoms were approximately 0.05 gallons.

The amount of solvent and the purity of the recovered solvent was an exciting surprise to the company’s plant manager. The program, now in the execution stage, will save this printer a great deal of money over the course of a year.

Solvent Recycling Systems, LLC