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Keeping your valuable items free from rust without the hassle of coatings is simpler than ever. Traditional rust prevention methods can leave residues that affect the appearance and functionality of your items. Thankfully, Vapor Phase Corrosion Inhibitor (VpCI) technology, such as Cortec VpCI bags, films, and emitters, offers a clean and efficient way to safeguard your possessions. Here are some frequently asked questions about how these Cortec VpCI products can help protect your items from corrosion.

What is VCI?

VCI stands for Vapor Corrosion Inhibitor. These compounds release molecules into the air, forming a thin layer on metal surfaces. This layer adsorbs onto the metal surface, effectively preventing air and moisture from causing corrosion. The VCI molecules are attracted to the metal surface, creating a protective barrier that is only a few molecules thick. This method allows VCI vapors to reach intricate surfaces that are hard to protect with traditional rust prevention methods.

Will I notice a film on my items?

No, you will not. The protective layer formed by the emitter is only a few molecules thick, about 1/500,000 of 1 mil.

In what situations will VCI work effectively?

VCI technology works best when items are stored in enclosed spaces, such as bags, boxes, or sealed containers. It is effective in a wide range of environments. VCI products can protect areas ranging from small bags to large enclosures up to 100 cubic feet. For larger spaces, multiple emitters can be combined for adequate protection.

What types of items can VCI emitters protect?

Cortec VCI emitters can be used to protect a wide range of items from rust and corrosion, including:

  • Electronics
  • Tools in a toolbox
  • Fishing tackle in a tackle box
  • Circuit breaker boxes
  • Valuables in a safe deposit box
  • Items in RV or camper storage compartments
  • Storage containers
  • Items in a safe
  • Computers
  • Electronic equipment on ships and boats
  • Any enclosed space containing metals that could corrode

Why should I use VCI emitters?

VCI emitters save time and money by eliminating the need for petroleum-based rust preventatives and the labor involved in applying and removing conventional protective coatings. They provide long-term protection, extending the life of equipment and preventing system failures. Additionally, they maintain the attractive appearance of your items, reducing the need for frequent cleaning or maintenance. This cost-effectiveness and long-term protection make VCI emitters a valuable investment for rust prevention.

Are VCI products safe to use?

VCI emitters are made from chemicals that are not hazardous, toxic, or flammable. They are also environmentally friendly and can be safely disposed of in regular waste. The United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved them in food and beverage containers, confirming their safety and non-toxicity.

When does the VCI emitter need replacing?

Under normal conditions, emitters should be replaced every two years. If the area is not airtight or is frequently opened and closed, it is recommended that the emitter be replaced once a year. Signs of corrosion include discoloration, pitting, or roughness on the metal surface. If you see these signs before the recommended replacement time, replace the emitter immediately to ensure continuous protection.

How long does it take for VCI to start working?

VCI emitters begin working as soon as they are removed from their sealed packaging. Depending on the area’s size, shape, and temperature, it may take up to 24 hours for all metal surfaces to become fully saturated with VCI vapors.

What happens to the vapors when the area is opened?

Some vapors will escape when the enclosure is opened, but the VCI barrier will remain effective. Once the enclosure is closed again, the VCI vapors will refill the area.

Using VCI technology, you can ensure that your items remain protected and in pristine condition without the drawbacks of traditional rust prevention methods.

Solvent Recycling Systems, LLC