(847) 833-7010

How can I recycle hexane solvent waste?

Many of the solvents used in the solvent extraction process, such as butane, propane, hexane, isopropyl alcohol and ethanol, can be recycled and re-used right within your facility, using solvent recycling systems. Hexane solvent, in particular, is a simple molecule...

How can I recycle ethanol waste?

Ethanol waste is common in the manufacturing industry and in extraction processes. It is widely used as a solvent, dehydrant and a cleaning fluid, so it’s not surprising it is frequently contaminated with water, grease, oil, and other contaminants. Recycle...
Common FAQs of the Solvent Recovery Process

Common FAQs of the Solvent Recovery Process

There is a lot to digest when it comes to the solvent recovery or recycling process. What type of solvent recycler should I choose? What overhead costs in addition to the still should I be concerned about? How much time will I need to devote to an operations team?...